Brand Collaborations Made Simple
Get another selling channel by partnering with a complementary business. Increasing sales & brand reach by collaborating with other brands.
How it works?
Step One
Connect with a partnering online business that complements your brand. Anything from clothing stores to baby toys, you'll find a match!
Step Two 1
Select the partnership type & agreements with the partnering business & begin selling & fulfilling orders as they come in.
Step Three
Your brand's banner, story & products will be displayed on the partnering business site. Opening another selling channel, expanding your reach & brand awareness.
Step Four
Orders, are paid and redirected to you along with all customer disputes & inquiries about your products.
partnership 1
Get Your Products into Another Store Front
Find a complementary partner on Esbern, one that would complement your brand identity or offerings. Next, set up the partnership agreement whether its a mutual trade off or paying a fee after each order, countless types to pick.
Business to Businesses, partnership types are set up & organized with the partnering business.
Receiving partnerships
Receiving Businesses
Receiving businesses will receive revenue generated by each sale on their website along with any other revenue brought in by renting digital space & more.
Receiving Businesses are those who will offer/sell products from their partnering business.
Coming soon
Ghost Kitchens (Rent Equipment)
Coming Soon Ghost Kitchens, rent your equipment to other small businesses whom will pay you monthly rental fees along with commission, implement their brand into your restaurant while driving mutual success for both businesses.
Will be soon available in the coming months to bakeries, restaurants, & commercial kitchens.
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Esbern V3 Software
Coming Soon: Esbern V3 Software, is set to be released in the coming months. Making online partnerships easier than ever, enabling businesses to seemingly integrate each other's offerings, redirect inquiries, orders, refunds, disputes to the partnering business, view analytics & so much more.